Macaulay Road and Area Neighbourhood Association
Black Creek, BC, Canada
Do you live in the Macaulay Road Area?
Macaulay Road and Area Neighbourhood Association (MRANA) is a registered not-for-profit association for people living in the Macaulay Road area, including anyone who uses Macaulay Road to access their properties.
Since 2021, improvements to the Macaulay Road and area neighbourhoods have been supported by member participation and active communications with the CVRD and BC provincial authorities. Primary goals include working toward safer roads, advocating for workable emergency evacuation routes and alternate public road access for our area.
Interested? Join us! Membership is $20 per year, per person.
Membership categories include voting and non-voting members. If you are a resident of the Macaulay Road area, including residing in the area subdivisions and use Macaulay Road to access your property you may be a voting member. If you wish to support our association and live outside our area, you may join us as a non-voting member.
For more information call 250-337-5906 or email: